Best sadhguru quotes


Best sadhguru quotes

Mind is not in any one place. Every cell in this body has its own intelligence. The brain is sitting in your head, but mind is all over the place.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes

Do you want to live in a beautiful world?Beautiful means human life here is pleasant within every human being. The question is not about what I wear, what I drive, where I live, but how I am within myself.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes

Your thoughts belong to you, or you belong to the thoughts. You must make up your mind.(SADHGURU).

Best sadhguru quotes

Spirituality has nothing to do with the atmosphere you live in. It’s about the atmosphere you create within yourself.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes

Fears and insecurities are unconsciously created by you. If you do not create them, they do not exist.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes

Karma is like old recordings that keep replaying. Yoga means to make life not just a replay but a profound possibility and experience.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes

If we do not keep our minds peaceful, how can the world be peaceful? The conflicts in the world are a manifestation of the human mind.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes
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The main cause of depression in the world today is too much eating, not enough physical activity.(SADHGURU)

Best sadhguru quotes

If we nurture hatred and violence against others, someday, it will come back to us.(SADHGURU)


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